All posts tagged: Wild Wad Oysters

Wild oysters_Netherlands

For the job I visit a lot of professional food fairs to check out new products, ingredients and dishes. I always try to find the real craftsmen who are responsible for the great food on the different stands. The goal is to find good stories that reflect the ‘zeitgeist’ of today. At the latest Tavola fair I bumped into Jan en Barbara Geertsema-Rodenburg, a cute couple  who presented their uber-fresh, handpicked oysters in the Waddenzee. The oysters tasted mild, natural & salty and super fresh (as I hoped for) but what really made me fall in love with this brand is the absolute fantastic packaging of the oysters. That mermaid!!! Red haired, topless and a lovely green fishtail, in unspoiled fisher men tattoo style. I love it. I could not resist to buy The original Wild Wad Oyster T-shirt and it became one of my favorites. Artisanal fishermen harvest Wild Wad Oysters on wild oyster banks in the Wadden Sea. They are Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), a species used by oyster farms all around the …